Clear out your confusion and FINALLY find direction in your life
(For those who are ready to make changes)
Feeling confused about your direction in life?

Do you have a drawer full of various personal development assessments, actions or goals, that are now collecting dust leaving you more confused than ever?  What if you could have a simple yet powerful assessment tool that could quickly and easily give you insight into the areas that are working in your life and those that could use improvement?

For First Nations people, the importance of reciprocity, that of giving without expectation of receiving, is a core way that we live life. In my Badimaya (Badimia) language, we say ngalimi yunggudya – simply, we give to each other.

Importantly, to make sure that your assessment isn’t just another dust collector, we follow that up with a free 15-minute coaching call with international Badimaya (Badimia) coach and counsellor, Bianca Stawiarski.
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“Bianca is certainly an inspiration. The tools she uses has rallied me to become more positive, focused and strong. I have now set myself goals and slowly achieving them. I highly recommend this service to anyone that is in need of help or to see where you want your life to head and how to go about achieving it. After only one session I came away feeling inspired to make some positive changes in life and say YES I can do things.”
- Name withheld
You’ll finally be able to take a point in time snapshot of where your life is so that you can take targeted action
Rather than feel overwhelmed on where to start, pick 2-3 areas to create SMART goals for.
Get a visual representation of your overall wellbeing, including the areas of your life that you would like to improve
This gives you a tool that you can use regularly to take a ‘heath check’ of your life.
and more...
Buranymarda, I’m Bianca Stawiarski – a strong Badimaya (Badimia) woman, mum and entrepreneur operating international Indigenous social enterprise, Warida Wholistic Wellness. I’m a centred and purpose driven Indigenous healing practitioner, counsellor, coach, equine assisted psychotherapist, consultant, speaker, lecturer, author, facilitator and change-maker. Phew, doesn’t that sound like a mouthful!

Warida Wholistic Wellness was created to empower individuals, families, and communities from all backgrounds, to heal by connecting in a culturally safe way, honouring Country and embracing the Ethos of gudu-guduwa (coming together). Our sanctuary provides the right tools for people to heal and thrive; encouraging community change – one person at a time.

Warida’s Ngalimi Yunggudya (we give to each other) Discovery Assessment tool is the start of the process in changing your narrative and taking back your life. While the tool is certainly powerful, I would also like to reinforce the experience with a follow-up 15 minute exploration zoom call.

What’s stopping you?

Yarn soon,

What our clients say:

"Bianca is gifted with an extraordinary blend of strength, passion and commitment to effect positive change in the lives of women seeking support and the tools available to them.

Bianca is a logical and articulate thinker with a grass roots attitude that endears her to many.

I would recommend Bianca as a wise investment of time and energy for any woman on a personal journey of empowerment and self-fulfilment."

– Name withheld

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"Over the last 6 months, I have had a number of difficult issues to deal with. Although I live in the UK and Bianca lives in Australia, that didn’t matter at all because I found that our connection via zoom was equally as effective as having some coaching in person here.

In fact, Bianca’s coaching was the most effective coaching I have ever had anywhere. Bianca was brilliant about helping me see my assertiveness. I am so happy with the way I dealt with these recent situations with Bianca’s help.

I really think that assertiveness is such an important skill and I’m delighted that I’m getting better at it.

Bianca is an amazing coach and I thoroughly recommend her!"

– Name withheld

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessitatibus vero officia iure iste similique.

“The online course offered by Bianca Stawiarski from Warida Wholistic Wellness made me completely change the way I think about myself.

Despite not looking back (because it’s a can of worms and I didn’t want to go there) but looking forward, I have learned to value, like and love myself.

This has lifted my self-esteem, which has resulted in a more confident and assertive me … and I like it! I found Bianca professional yet approachable.

Personally, I am more confident, content and aware of my needs and how they fit in with other people in my life.

I’m happier to say no in a constructive manner, happier to do things for myself and find a balance so I continue to help others without jeopardising my needs.”

– Name withheld

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